Monday, February 9, 2009

Arod. Strayrod, Ahole, Aroid

If you were under a rock this weekend Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids. I for one am not surprised. Look at the past MVP from MLB since 92. Bonds (6), Ken Caminetti, Juan Gonzalaz (2), Ivan Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Miguel Tajada, Sammy Sosa (hes never been caught....yet), and Arod (2). Roids like crazy in MLB....

So whos to blame..alot of people. Me personally i blame players for most part. It was their choice to inject or take pills. Players union for making players take tests then not destroying what were supposed to be anonymous tests. Commissions office for not nipping this in butt sooner.

In the end what will this change? Not much. Arod was already hated by alot of people, including a large amount of his own Yankee fans. So more people will boo him now? Arod probably don't care, hes not going to get suspended, hes not going to lose 1 dollar from his deal.

Anyone else this think it was Arods ex wife who helped spill the beans on him. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (by Madonna).

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