Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Letter to DCCC

I am writing to express my frustration with the Democratic Party and specifically in President Obama. The past 2.5 years of this administration has seen some progress, but not the HOPE & CHANGE we voted and campaigned for back in 2008.

I will bypass the usual fact that we are still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Obama has not only expanded the war in Afghanistan he, along with the Department Of Defense appears to want to break the drawdown of forces agreement signed by the BUSH Administration. Congressional democrats should fight the president on this issue.

On the economic end the debt deal was horrible, for Democrats. Speech after speech President Obama said “balanced approach” and “deal must have revenue”. In the end what was in the deal, nothing but cuts to programs that will hurt middle class and poor and not 1 penny of revenue in way of tax increases on rich or corporations…NOT ONE! Then since the democratic president/senate/congress voted the deal has to be defended??? It was a massive rightwing plan, conceived by right wingers. It included this baloney “super congress” which I can already tell the fix is in. With corporatist democrats like Max Baucus there to vote with GOP on cuts to SS/Medicare it really very sad. If President Obama and democrats really think you can get even 1 of the radical right-wingers that GOP picked to raise taxes on the rich (we should) then either the WH is the most politically inept group ever to have somehow won a national election or they are really just moderate republicans. I mean really if Democrats vote with GOP to cut ss/Medicare then what is the purpose of Democratic Party other than to just be a little better than the radical reactionary republicans?

It’s time for President Obama and democrats to stop with this “balanced approach” stuff. The middle class and poor have been giving and giving for years. Cuts to programs, cuts to jobs, cuts cuts cuts. The thieves on wall st, the rich, and corporations have given nothing and gained everything. It’s time for them to pay SOMETHING. The difference, the poor/middle class do not have teams of lobbyist and think tanks like Heritage and ALEC (Koch industries) writing and influencing legislation. Over 60% of American people want to end oil subsidies, but when 100% of GOP is bought and paid for by oil industry they suddenly stop with their “the American people want…” BS line they lie with constantly. When propaganda networks like Fox cry and cry about class warfare it’s the RICH who have been waging and winning the class warfare. It’s time for the 99% who fall in the non-rich rest of us to have a voice…and it’s not the tea party idiot dupes who seem to have so much sway in beltway media and halls of congress. It’s time for Democratic populism. Confused at what I mean…take a look at Bernie Sanders for some examples. Tax the rich, close the corporate loopholes, and raise the carried interest tax rate (hedge fund loophole). If you all really have this fixation on the debt, then raise some revenue to pay it down, but guess what, us at the bottom are tapped out…those at the top been sucking all the money out.

Stop “compromising” with republicans. President Obama has an obsession with “bipartisan solutions”. The GOP has no interest in this. Then in order to compromise with GOP Obama goes further and further right…this is not compromise. He needs to make his case, the democratic case on issues. Not start out on the moderate gop platform and then move right as the gop moves further and further right. This moves the whole Overton window of the debate. Then the corporate idiot box media says dumb crap like “everyone got a bit of this or that” when in reality the GOP have gotten everything they wanted. Stand up for something, have principals and be strong…independents will vote for someone who displays strength and leadership by CONVINCING THEM. Name names, don’t use ambiguous language like “both parties, some in Washington, ect.” If Orin Hatch is blocking a nomination to an important post or judges say “Orin Hatch and the republicans are impeding government and playing partisan politics with people meant to provide justice or server the American people.” The republicans have no problem blaming President Obama, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid every chance they get. Even after they get everything they want or have held the country hostage to protect rich people…they name names. Perhaps it’s time to play hardball with the republicans as well.

The major thing I would like to say is any cuts to SS/Medicare by raise of retirement age or benefit cuts are unacceptable. If this is what is going to come out of super congress and signed by President then what was the point of voting in a democrat for president? We paid into these programs; don’t steal from us to pay for wars and tax cuts for rich. If President Obama wants to agree with the GOP on these cuts, then it’s the obligation of Democrats to stand against him. Will Clyburn and Van Hollen stand up for SS/Medicare? Or will they fall in line with GOP and WH who want to cut these programs? Why did Nancy Pelosi only appoint 1 member from Progressive caucus?

I know I am not a rich donor or lobbyist. I am just a regular middle class American. Trying to make it the best I can. You sent me a survey asking for money and my opinion. Right now all I can afford (and think the DCCC deserves) is my opinion. Take it or leave it, but I am a voter, one who wants to vote for democrats. I really do think that the democratic/progressive idea of the New Deal, good government, regulations that strongly protect consumers, labor policies that support/protect workers and unions are things that democrats use to and should stand for. Let us see some bold action like this by Dems, and you will earn my donation.

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