Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Such anger

So I read alot of news and political articles. The best part about reading them are the comments at the bottom of the articles. Most all of them have much hate speech about President Obama and democrats in general. It is amazing that these people can get so upset about a guy whos only done this job for 1 month, but stood by 8 years of Bush. They probally cheer for him still.

I blame the media for this anger these people feel. The 24/7 assault on Obama from Fox, Hannity, Rush, and other of the same ideology are the cause of this deep resentment and anger felt by right wing supporters. I cannot remember people being so combative about their views before. The major change over the past 4-5 years has been these 24 hr "news" shows. What bothers me most about channels like Fox is that they lie about not being slanted or biased, when they clearly are. People get tricked into beliving that everything they say is "fair and blanced" when its not.

Their is also a Fox news effect. Fox news does a great job of trying to paint the other media as biased. This causes not only people watching but also the news channels to try and force more coverage for the right wing. This creates a distorted view of an issue.

Friends...please stop watching Fox's Fake news. Its not good for your health. It makes you and angry bitter conservitive. IF you must watch, then realize that Fox has an agenda. Do research of your own. Dont be a ditto head. Realize that if you shout words like Socalist, earmarks, or generational theft...i turn off my ears to you. The reason is you clearly have turn off your brain and just become a mouth peice to the Radical Right Agenda.

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