Friday, March 27, 2009

Types of Republicans

In my view I have seen 2 types of republicans. The religious republican and the wallet republican. These 2 creatures have some things in common..but if they took time to look at each other with an objective eye they might not even like each other.

I will start out with the Wallet republican (WP for now). You can identify these guys buy how they are worried about tax increases for them and how their portfolio went down so much. Also how Social Security is a waste and how people should just save on their own. No this is true, partly. Social Security is not a "retirement plan". It is supplemental money provided to all Americans to assist those who either could not or did not save for later years in life. WP also do not want government in their way unless they need bailouts or deregulation to destroy our environment and to take advantage of the workers under them. They care nothing for labor or poor people. The most important thing to them is $$$ and staying on top. Examples are

AIG, Halliburton, Bush Family, Rush Limbaugh, ect. We are not running out of rich people and they will not become poor by a few extra percentage points of tax on their 250k+ a year salary.

The next is the RR or Religious republican. Their 2 biggest beefs with "liberals" are abortion and gay marriage. These are not the most important issues....ever in an election or our nation. IF you find someone who first thing they say is something like Obama Killing babies...back away slowly you found an RR. The past 8 years have basically been an assault on science and intelligence by these people. Stem Cell research is important to finding cures to many diseases including cancer. Evolotion is real and we did not get here buy magic. The RR would have u belive that. Now dont get me wrong, I go to church, i have faith, but i also live in reality and belive that these 2 things can work together (science and religion).

Anyway, i am tired of writing about this right now. There are may sides to all issues. Try to look at everything your represtitives stand for.

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