Monday, June 1, 2009
Ways to and not to upset Republicans
1. Vote a black man president
2. Decrease taxes to real middle class
3. Increase taxes to upper class
4. Spend tax money on something other than wars
5. Nominate a Hispanic woman for Supreme Court
What will not upset them.
1. Murder a doctor who has preformed abortions.
What a proud group of people. They must be real Americans. The must have strong ideals and principals. They must have a large faith in god. Proud to be Republican 2009.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Are you more american than me?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Types of Republicans
I will start out with the Wallet republican (WP for now). You can identify these guys buy how they are worried about tax increases for them and how their portfolio went down so much. Also how Social Security is a waste and how people should just save on their own. No this is true, partly. Social Security is not a "retirement plan". It is supplemental money provided to all Americans to assist those who either could not or did not save for later years in life. WP also do not want government in their way unless they need bailouts or deregulation to destroy our environment and to take advantage of the workers under them. They care nothing for labor or poor people. The most important thing to them is $$$ and staying on top. Examples are
AIG, Halliburton, Bush Family, Rush Limbaugh, ect. We are not running out of rich people and they will not become poor by a few extra percentage points of tax on their 250k+ a year salary.
The next is the RR or Religious republican. Their 2 biggest beefs with "liberals" are abortion and gay marriage. These are not the most important issues....ever in an election or our nation. IF you find someone who first thing they say is something like Obama Killing babies...back away slowly you found an RR. The past 8 years have basically been an assault on science and intelligence by these people. Stem Cell research is important to finding cures to many diseases including cancer. Evolotion is real and we did not get here buy magic. The RR would have u belive that. Now dont get me wrong, I go to church, i have faith, but i also live in reality and belive that these 2 things can work together (science and religion).
Anyway, i am tired of writing about this right now. There are may sides to all issues. Try to look at everything your represtitives stand for.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Such anger
I blame the media for this anger these people feel. The 24/7 assault on Obama from Fox, Hannity, Rush, and other of the same ideology are the cause of this deep resentment and anger felt by right wing supporters. I cannot remember people being so combative about their views before. The major change over the past 4-5 years has been these 24 hr "news" shows. What bothers me most about channels like Fox is that they lie about not being slanted or biased, when they clearly are. People get tricked into beliving that everything they say is "fair and blanced" when its not.
Their is also a Fox news effect. Fox news does a great job of trying to paint the other media as biased. This causes not only people watching but also the news channels to try and force more coverage for the right wing. This creates a distorted view of an issue.
Friends...please stop watching Fox's Fake news. Its not good for your health. It makes you and angry bitter conservitive. IF you must watch, then realize that Fox has an agenda. Do research of your own. Dont be a ditto head. Realize that if you shout words like Socalist, earmarks, or generational theft...i turn off my ears to you. The reason is you clearly have turn off your brain and just become a mouth peice to the Radical Right Agenda.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Christians bashers???
I think your overblowing things a bit. Lets remember that the US has many religions and no "national" religion. Why do Christians feel so attacked recently. I am Christian and do not feel attacked.Maybe its cause i do not thing my religion, or any religion should be pushed on people, just as i would not want theirs pushed on me.
Merry Christmas for example. How is this an attack. It is a religious holiday, but its also a retail holiday. Why would retail not want to advertise to the most number of people possible. Guess what their are more holidays during December than Christmas. Anyway you would figure Conservatives like Bill' O and Fox would support capitalism and these stores trying to maximize their consumer bias during this time of year.
I have never been attacked by "a gay" or an atheist. If you are, then maybe you need to change the people you associate with. Also if you want government to begin pushing national religions, their are places like Middle East.
Responce from Crazy Lady
I would say that you may be a casual Christian - CINO - Christian in Name Only. And/or either very naive or very badly informed.
On the matter of Merry Christmas there has been an effort in these recent years to expunge "Merry Christmas" from stores, advertising and replace it with "Holiday Greeting".The ACLU and the liberal left are spearheading it.
I definitely agree with you that the Government should not be promoting religion.
NO, I haven't been personally attacked by a Gay or an atheist. But if you are a Catholic Christian are you not revolted by the molestation of choir boys by Catholic Priests.
If you have a young son who wants to be a cub or boy scout do you not worry about the attempted invasion of the Boy Scouts by Gays !
Have you not heard about the lengthy litigation by Gays on the Boy Scouts. Or the multi million dollar settlements the Catholic Archdiocese are paying to the Congregations whose boys were molested.
The USA is 85% Christian. Since the founding of our nation religion has been an important part of our culture protected by our Constitution. Every time you take an oath or are sworn the invocation is "so help you God". In God we trust is on our currency. The President of the USA is sworn in using a bible - not the Torah or a Koran.
Take the example of the reaction of the Muslims when Salman Rushdie wrote derogatory books about Islam. The mullahs ordered a hit on him. He had to go into hiding.
When the Danish newsman printed cartoons uncomplimentary to Muslims they went berserk and wanted to assassinate him.
By contrast your ho hum, lackluster, notably lethargic reaction to attacks by atheists on Christianity is certainly indicative of a very indifferent attitude.
Response by wooter
Perhaps my lethargic reaction is because i do not what to be an extremist like the examples you gave from Muslims. Is a Christian extremist any different than a Muslim extremist.
Yes God is in our currency, founding documents, and in many parts of our lives. Also yes our nation was founded by mostly Protestant Christians. But the US has change abit in our over 150 years as a nation. To me In God we Trust (and other examples in "common" usage) is not just the Christian god but a term for god in all religions that people worship in the US. Also i do not think the chance of the use of a Torah or Koran has ever come up when swaring in a president so this is kinda a non point.
Yes it is disgusting when its found that a preist or anyone is guily of child molestation. Whats also disturbing is the covering up of some of these things by the Diocese in some of these cases.
One more thing....I find it "naive or very badly informed" that it appears your trying to say Gay = Child molester. I PRAY that you know and understand the HUGE difference.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
6 out of 10 people are Morons.
Then again it is fox news...
So it seems the less educated and more religious you are, the less you believe in science and evolution. This makes sense i guess. Its also these people who don't believe in global warming, recycling, or anything like that.
Thanks conservatism!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Arod. Strayrod, Ahole, Aroid
So whos to blame..alot of people. Me personally i blame players for most part. It was their choice to inject or take pills. Players union for making players take tests then not destroying what were supposed to be anonymous tests. Commissions office for not nipping this in butt sooner.
In the end what will this change? Not much. Arod was already hated by alot of people, including a large amount of his own Yankee fans. So more people will boo him now? Arod probably don't care, hes not going to get suspended, hes not going to lose 1 dollar from his deal.
Anyone else this think it was Arods ex wife who helped spill the beans on him. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (by Madonna).
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Obama Caps Executive Salaries for Bailed-Out Firms at $500G from Fox News.
This is great. Why should these morons even be making 500,000. I am sure the Rush and Hannitys of world think it would be good idea for them to keep their high paychecks, but I dont.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Right wing Morons
S.E. Cupp, Conservative Commentator
Obama gets a D+ today. I don't appreciate our new president apologizing to the Muslim community for past U.S. policy. Telling Mideast envoy George Mitchell to "start by listening..." is inappropriate and frighteningly naive.
This is from Fox news tracker of how right and left wing people feel president is doing on his first 100 days. Yesterday Obama had an interview with Middle East reporters. In this meeting he made, what I feel are some good points. Never did he say he was "sorry" for past US policy, but he did state that there will be a change in how US deals with Middle East and Muslim community.
This is a good thing Mr. Cupp. For to long the US has created this blame all Muslim mentality that is dangerous. The US does not fight holy wars. We should not try and blame a religion for the acts of a few dangerous and misguided people. It is good that we are now going to say Al Kida terrorist and not just Muslim terrorists.
So yes, it is time to start listining and stop dictating.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Rush Limbaugh is a doushbag
So other day Obama said "You cant get things done listening to Rush Limbaugh". This was said about a day or 2 after Rush said " I hope Obama fails". So now hes back pedaling and saying Obama should not be bothering listening to him. I agree with that. Rush is a worthless peice of shit, and should be given about as much thought as i would give my daily shits.
Lets analyze some of things I have heard Mr Rush say recently in his radio show. First off, this crap about "liberal media". Ok lets think about that. Anything that is not Fox news right wing must be the "liberal media". All he (Rush) does is try to put down anyone who disagrees with him and his crazy nutty right wing agenda. Another day i will try and talk about the right wing media...
Its amazing how these same guys are trying to glorify Bush. So they support him (Bush) and his ways, but now want to hope the president fail. Real Americans for sure.