Thursday, May 26, 2011


So Ed Schultz (liberal radio/tv host) called Laura Ingraham (conservative talk/tv host) a "right wing slut" . After some firestorm Ed went on his show and made , what i would consider, an honest apology.

Now this caused some outrage that it was to far, mean to women, so on and so forth. Now sure its not the proper thing to say or do by any stretch. I want to make it clear i am not going to say what he did was excusable, but I want to make another case.

Right wing hosts like Ingraham, Culter, Rush, Hannity, Billo, Beck , ect say worst things daily. They say racist, sexist comments on a regular basis. They have in a way called liberals nazi. They lie constantly. Never not once has any of these people apologized for anything that has ever fallen from their mouths. Its always the liberals that have to apologize, resign, take responsibility. So next time right winger tells listeners to shoot liberals, Democrats in the head or say racist things (plenty to pick from just try for 1 sec) dont hold your breath for them to be held accountable, its not going to happen.

At the end of the day, sure Ed can say sorry, but Laura Ingraham is still a despicable person.

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Doomsday" 2011 passes, everyone still here.

So some religious guy that runs a fairly large Christan radio/church was going around saying the end of the world was going to happen may 21st at 6pm. What this guy and people who believed him thought would happen is that god would suck up all the "true Christians" in to the sky, an event called Rapture. (This was his second wrong prediction)

Now this sounds super crazy to any logical person but please note that this Rapture theology is VERY VERY prevalent in Evangelicals in US. Thay are also know as "Christian Conservatives" as a voting block. These people see/want doom and gloom around every corner. The end of the world is just around the corner to these wackos. They hope and pray that it happens in their lifetime. A whole book series was written about this called "Left Behind" and has sold millions of copies.

Its people like this that have turned me off to religion. If being Christian means believing all this crazy shit, hating gays, controlling womens rights, being "conservative" (which now means hating poor people,and only doing for the rich)anti science among other things then i opt out. I opt out and will point out the logical falsehoods that people cling to as institutional religion. They can wait on mountain top hoping for the end to come. I will be living my life NOW, not hoping for a "better place". I want to make this reality that i can control the better place for me. Good luck.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Oil Fat Cats = Corporate welfare queens

So other day the Senate called the greedy fat cat CEO's of the top most profitable oil corporations in america to DC for a hearing about oil subsides. If you did not already know, we , the tax payers , give about 36 billion to big oil in tax breaks. Not only that many of these corporations use multiple tax loopholes to pay a lower tax burden than most any person in america but then they proceed to cry that they cant afford to do business if they do not steal our tax payer money. This is the biggest bunch of bullshit i have ever witnessed or heard of. Not only did they have audacity to claim that these goodies they receive are necessary and to take them away would be "unamerican" one of the dirt bag CEO's threated the senators and american people. He basically said if the tax payer subsides are taken away, he will ship jobs overseas. Fuck him.

We truly are in a new guiled age where CEOS are more powerful than our elected government. Oh and true to form the bought and paid for Republicans bowed their heads and sucked up to their plutocratic overlords and sided with and voted against end billions in these tax giveaways. So remember that when they claim to need to cut programs that help people (head start, SS, Medicare,unemployment insurance, Ect Ect) that gop have no interest in "fiscal responsibly" but rather protect the rich and corporations while CUTS to poor/middle class.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Great book

Just finished Paul Krugman book The Conscience of a Liberal. What an incredible book. I would highly recommend it. The book written well before the HCR debate was very accurate in discussion of the problems and obstacles that were faced during that time. Unfortunately the administration must not have read the book. Point is its a great read and really informative.

We are Not T.E.A

U.S. tax burden at lowest level since '58

Time to tax. If anyone ever cries about debt, and then cries about taxes, they dont understand economics/math or numbers. The Us has a massive revenue problem. We have a 21st century population with 19th century tax policy. Quit crying and start taxing the rich and corporations.

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Pro Business"?

I am tired of this term "pro business". With corporations having record profits, CEO pay way up, total number of millionaires going up i think if anything the country (including President Obama) have been plenty pro business. I think its time we start talking about pro worker policy. Things that have the little guy in mind.

Over 10 years of "pro business" bullshit have helped out the top 1% only. We have cut taxes for rich, cut taxes for corporations, removed regulations on business that have caused economy to implode. NONE of this has helped. You would think that the nonsense trickle down economic theory espoused by republicans would be dismissed as stupid, nonsensical, or a farce. Tax cuts do not create jobs, especially cuts for the rich and corporations. All these policies have done is create the greatest income inequality in history. The plutocrats have bought the government and tricked (some) poor and middle class to vote against their own interest. If you feel disillusionment with the government its probably cause its only working to promote the interest of the few (rich, powerful, corporations), and not the many.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Letter to the DNC

You asked for my thoughts on issues facing the nation on your survey. Here are a few.

Protect SS/Medicare/Medicaid. A raise in retirement age in SS is a huge cut and is unacceptable. The Democratic party will not get any donations or help from me if they go along with right wing cuts and framing of this issue. SS is not part of “debt problem”. Stop lumping it with the talking points like the gop/radicals are.

DO NOT CUT TAXES ON CORPERATIONS. They have plenty and make plenty. Close loopholes and leave the tax rate alone or raise it. Corporations like GE/Exxon already pay an effective tax of about 0%. This is unacceptable.
Let Bush Tax cuts for rich (including the stupid giveaway in estate tax) end for good. DC/USA has a massive revenue problem.
The spending problem we do have is in defense spending. Bring home troops, cut money shoveled to contractors and military industrial complex.
Finally, play to win. If you cannot control anti-choice, anti-democratic members like Heath Shuler, Mark Critz, Joe Donnelly, Dan Boren, Collin Peterson, Nick Rahall and rest of the “Blue Dog” sellout corporatist caucus. And people like Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, Joe Manchin in Senate. All they do is cause problems and undermine every and any democratic-progressive action. If they want to vote with republicans then why let them run as democrats. PRMARY THEM! CUT THEIR FUNDING. I and many other lifelong democrats will not and should not donate while money is going to these types of candidates.

Thank you for your time. Don’t know if this will just end up in the trash, but at least I tried and shared my feelings about the party I want to vote for.