Monday, May 23, 2011

"Doomsday" 2011 passes, everyone still here.

So some religious guy that runs a fairly large Christan radio/church was going around saying the end of the world was going to happen may 21st at 6pm. What this guy and people who believed him thought would happen is that god would suck up all the "true Christians" in to the sky, an event called Rapture. (This was his second wrong prediction)

Now this sounds super crazy to any logical person but please note that this Rapture theology is VERY VERY prevalent in Evangelicals in US. Thay are also know as "Christian Conservatives" as a voting block. These people see/want doom and gloom around every corner. The end of the world is just around the corner to these wackos. They hope and pray that it happens in their lifetime. A whole book series was written about this called "Left Behind" and has sold millions of copies.

Its people like this that have turned me off to religion. If being Christian means believing all this crazy shit, hating gays, controlling womens rights, being "conservative" (which now means hating poor people,and only doing for the rich)anti science among other things then i opt out. I opt out and will point out the logical falsehoods that people cling to as institutional religion. They can wait on mountain top hoping for the end to come. I will be living my life NOW, not hoping for a "better place". I want to make this reality that i can control the better place for me. Good luck.

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