Friday, May 6, 2011

"Pro Business"?

I am tired of this term "pro business". With corporations having record profits, CEO pay way up, total number of millionaires going up i think if anything the country (including President Obama) have been plenty pro business. I think its time we start talking about pro worker policy. Things that have the little guy in mind.

Over 10 years of "pro business" bullshit have helped out the top 1% only. We have cut taxes for rich, cut taxes for corporations, removed regulations on business that have caused economy to implode. NONE of this has helped. You would think that the nonsense trickle down economic theory espoused by republicans would be dismissed as stupid, nonsensical, or a farce. Tax cuts do not create jobs, especially cuts for the rich and corporations. All these policies have done is create the greatest income inequality in history. The plutocrats have bought the government and tricked (some) poor and middle class to vote against their own interest. If you feel disillusionment with the government its probably cause its only working to promote the interest of the few (rich, powerful, corporations), and not the many.

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