Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Letter to the DNC

You asked for my thoughts on issues facing the nation on your survey. Here are a few.

Protect SS/Medicare/Medicaid. A raise in retirement age in SS is a huge cut and is unacceptable. The Democratic party will not get any donations or help from me if they go along with right wing cuts and framing of this issue. SS is not part of “debt problem”. Stop lumping it with the talking points like the gop/radicals are.

DO NOT CUT TAXES ON CORPERATIONS. They have plenty and make plenty. Close loopholes and leave the tax rate alone or raise it. Corporations like GE/Exxon already pay an effective tax of about 0%. This is unacceptable.
Let Bush Tax cuts for rich (including the stupid giveaway in estate tax) end for good. DC/USA has a massive revenue problem.
The spending problem we do have is in defense spending. Bring home troops, cut money shoveled to contractors and military industrial complex.
Finally, play to win. If you cannot control anti-choice, anti-democratic members like Heath Shuler, Mark Critz, Joe Donnelly, Dan Boren, Collin Peterson, Nick Rahall and rest of the “Blue Dog” sellout corporatist caucus. And people like Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, Joe Manchin in Senate. All they do is cause problems and undermine every and any democratic-progressive action. If they want to vote with republicans then why let them run as democrats. PRMARY THEM! CUT THEIR FUNDING. I and many other lifelong democrats will not and should not donate while money is going to these types of candidates.

Thank you for your time. Don’t know if this will just end up in the trash, but at least I tried and shared my feelings about the party I want to vote for.

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