Friday, May 13, 2011

Oil Fat Cats = Corporate welfare queens

So other day the Senate called the greedy fat cat CEO's of the top most profitable oil corporations in america to DC for a hearing about oil subsides. If you did not already know, we , the tax payers , give about 36 billion to big oil in tax breaks. Not only that many of these corporations use multiple tax loopholes to pay a lower tax burden than most any person in america but then they proceed to cry that they cant afford to do business if they do not steal our tax payer money. This is the biggest bunch of bullshit i have ever witnessed or heard of. Not only did they have audacity to claim that these goodies they receive are necessary and to take them away would be "unamerican" one of the dirt bag CEO's threated the senators and american people. He basically said if the tax payer subsides are taken away, he will ship jobs overseas. Fuck him.

We truly are in a new guiled age where CEOS are more powerful than our elected government. Oh and true to form the bought and paid for Republicans bowed their heads and sucked up to their plutocratic overlords and sided with and voted against end billions in these tax giveaways. So remember that when they claim to need to cut programs that help people (head start, SS, Medicare,unemployment insurance, Ect Ect) that gop have no interest in "fiscal responsibly" but rather protect the rich and corporations while CUTS to poor/middle class.

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